How Long Do You Plan on Filming Weddings?

Watch this video before going back to a 9-5 job...


As we get older, life changes - you get married, buy a house, start a family - things get more expensive.

Though things may be working now, what does life look like a year, two years, even five years down the road? 

The harsh reality is that a career in wedding filmmaking doesn’t exactly offer the same financial security as a career with a salary and benefits.

As sweet (or salty) as your couples may be, they will never truly understand...

You miss making memories with friends and family when filming their wedding.

How not paying on time affects whether or not you can pay your bills

Driving through the night and getting home at 2am only to have to be a parent in a couple of hours

What moments have you missed because you were filming a wedding?

How is your wedding videography business going to keep up with your life changes?

What if you could...

Limit how often you film (if ever)

Say "Yes" to more couples

Spend your weekends with friends and family

Film multiple weddings on the same day

Increase your business' income year after year


Grow a team of associate filmmakers

In our 8 year career of wedding filmmaking, we found that the best way to increase our income year after year without investing more time and effort in addition to our services was to hire and grow a team of associate filmmakers. 

Associate shooting has become increasingly popular over the past few years. When you book weddings a year or two in advance, it’s hard to predict future life circumstances that could affect your ability to honor your commitment. Associate shooting allows you to have an outlet to still offer a solution to your couples, without fully detaching your brand and your services.

Started growing our team in 2020.

In 2021, we filmed 65% of our weddings & doubled our income

In 2022, our team captured 92% of our weddings

Added photography as a service using the same method of growing our team

In 2023, filmed 1% of our weddings & quadrupled our revenue

So that's what we did...

Here's how YOU can do the same thing...

The Family First Filmmaker is a program created for wedding filmmakers to learn how to manage and grow a team of filmmakers so you can start owning a business that works for YOU and sets you and your family up for long-term financial success.

When you join the course, you can start recruiting and growing your team and start saying "Yes" to more couples even if you are already booked in just a week's time!


Family First Filmmaker

Growing our team has put us in a financial position we never dreamed we would be in. In 2020, when only my wife & I were filming, our company made $124,000. In 2021, when we started growing our team, our company made $315,000, or two and a half times more than what we made in 2020. And in 2023, our company made $490,000, nearly 4 times more than when just my wife and I were filming and in The Family First Filmmaker, we show you exactly how to do this for your business. 

Financially, here's what you can do...

You’ll have full access to all the templates for contracts, emails, questionnaires, and documents that we use to hire and manage our filmmakers on a daily basis. We also share the apps and programs we use to build, grow, and manage our team, most of which are free or you probably already use.

Here's how we manage our team...

Making the switch from you to your team is a lot easier when your couples understand it will not be YOU filming on the wedding day, which is why you’ll also get access to the documents that have helped us book over 150 team-filmed weddings (over $600,000 in bookings) so you can confidently answer commonly asked questions by couples. 

Here's how we sell our team to our couples...

Not only have we been able to implement this system in our wedding videography business, but we have also been able to use the same system for recruiting, growing and managing associate photographers and content creators by adding photography and content creation as services to our business, which gives us multiple revenue streams flowing through our business.

Here's how we increase our income year after year...

What all is included in the program?

As a member of the Family First Filmmaker Program, you get lifetime access to the program content, meaning you can learn at your own pace and rewatch parts of the program if you ever need a refresher.  This also includes any future modules or content added to the program as it evolves.

Lifetime access to program sections & content

You will have access to our members only Facebook Group where we will post updates about the course, provide Q&A sessions, and provide a place for you to post any questions or feedback as well as engage with other members in the program. This community paired with the program will essentially give you 24/7 support if you ever have any questions or need motivation.

Members only Facebook Community

As a member of the Family First Filmmaker program, you will be eligible to take full advantage of our in-house editing service at a Members Only rate (subject to availability). Just imagine how different your life would be and how much time you would get back if you no longer had to edit your films and could feel confident that they would be done correctly and received on-time. 

Members only pricing for editing services


Meet the Instructor

Tyler Helms is the co-owner of Point200 Films & Photos, a wedding videography, photography and content business serving North & South Carolina since 2015. 

Tyler has always loved filmmaking, so much that his senior project was a documentary that him and his best friend created. Filming weddings came natural, and as the years progressed, Tyler found a passion for business development, which has helped Point200 grow into the company it is today.

Tyler is a husband to his wife, Kasey, and a proud Father of two daughters, Lindley & Emeline, and enjoys spending time with his family on weekends.


Meet Tyler

Still Curious About the Program?

As you know, booking weddings months, sometimes years in advance takes time to fully fulfill the financial agreement with couples, so it depends on how you structure payments from couples. That being said, you can start selling your team and saying "Yes" to couples on dates you are already booked within a weeks time of joining the course, if not sooner. Where you could never say "yes" before, now you can immediately start booking weddings filmed by your team and start accepting non-refundable deposits. 

How long does it take to start seeing results?

We are still in the early production part of the course, which is why the program is only available for pre-order. We plan to launch the course this FALL 2024. This pre-order price will be the lowest price the course will ever be, and if you book just one team-filmed wedding for one of our associate filmmakers to film for you, you will MORE than cover the cost of the course.

Also, as we continue to grow our company and brands, we intend to continue sharing our own successes with members of the program, meaning the program will only increase in value over time. 

pre-order NOW for $179!!

- Lifetime access to the course

- Templates for contracts, emails, questionnaires and documents

- FREE Access to FAQ document that has helped us book over 150 team-filmed weddings (over $600,000 in bookings)

- Members-only pricing for in-house editing team, Point200 Edits

- Lifetime Access to Facebook Group

- Access to ALL Future Content

- 30 Day Refund Policy


pre-order NOW for $179!!

Goes Live Fall of 2024